Inviting, Inspiring, and Investing in The Way of Jesus Christ




Nominating Candidates

Each year, leaders are raised from the congregation into positions of governance.

All candidates must be nominated for the position, and candidates may nominate themselves.

Contact the church office for more information on nominations.

Positions and descriptions

We have the following vacancies:

Board Chair - click here for position description.

Elder (3 year term with option for a second)
Elders are chosen as the spiritual leaders of the congregation. They are focused primarily on discerning the Mission and Vision of the church. Elders are “big picture” people of mature faith are also Full Members of St. George’s.

Ministry & Personnel Committee (3 year term with option for a second)
The M&P Committee ensures good and mutually beneficial relationships between staff and the congregation. M&P Committee members are attentive people that prize healthy relationships.

Property Committee (3 year term with option for a second)
The Property Committee ensures the church building is well-maintained and oversees renovations. Property is always in need of people with construction/maintenance experience.

Committee of Stewards (3 year term with option for a second)
Stewards administer the financial resources of the congregation to support its mission. Financial skills and experience are always needed.

Other Options to Serve

Food and Fellowship Team
Fulfilling the mission of the church by providing opportunities for community connection and fellowship after church and other times throughout the year.

Congregational Care Team
Fulfilling the mission of the church by connecting with congregants who are homebound, visitation, and providing a monthly long-term care worship service at St. Joseph’s Views.

Christian Formation Team
Fulfilling the mission of the church by providing opportunities for congregants and new Christians to grow in grace and Christian discipleship.

Worship Team
Fulfilling the mission of the church by planning worship services and coordinating necessary volunteers.

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